Mobile Ready Mix

Our ready-mix division is entirely focused on supplying ready-mix Karoo 30 concrete on-site for contractors.

Our professional team can produce first-class concrete in any terrain, using mobile on-site batch plants. Each plant creates electronic batch reports for each truckload of ready-mix concrete dispatched. We operate our own fleet of mixer trucks, providing a daily output capacity of between 60m3 and 100m3

Our mobile plants allow us to supply areas traditionally thought inaccessible. We work extensively in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape, but we have recently expanded as far as the Maluti Mountains in the North West, and Port Edward and Bizana in the South, supporting rural development by supplying new houses with concrete, VIP toilets, and Jo-Jo tanks.

We also supply other machinery, including 6m sand sieves, TLB’s, Bobcats, generators, site offices, test cube curing facilities, and tip trucks, all of which allow us to be almost 100% self-sufficient on-site.

All our aggregates are tested by Contest, our chosen mix design specialists. Our cubes are MPA tested by Contest according to SABS specification.

For more information, get in touch via our Contacts page!