Our large range of pavers provide you with numerous options for both domestic and/or industrial use. We are also able to facilitate custom pavers to meet your specific requirements.

Heavy Duty Paver – 450x450x100
This heavy duty paver or cookie can be used as a base mount for over head power lines.

Paver with Wood Float – 450x450x50

Paver – 500x500x50
This paver can also be used for cable protection.

Paver – 700x700x50
This paver is genrally used for bridges and path ways.

Reinforced Paver – 900×900

Cobble PaverĀ – 800x600x120
The cobble paver can be used inside fence lines preventing holes been dug underneath fence and providing a path way around the inside of a fence line, it has a 25mm hole through the center so electrical or alarm cables can be run inside the block safely.
It can also be used as a heavy duty and easy to lay driveway solution. Being able to take heavy trucks and being installed
in on time at all.